About Us

Our History

A Breath of Praise Community Church was founded before the foundations of the world, but brought into existence on April 8, 2007.

In December 2006, Pastor Eric Jordan was praying in the chapel at Seton Hospital while his wife, Faith, was in the hospital after giving birth to their third beautiful daughter, Layla.  While praying in the chapel for the safety and health of his wife and child, the Lord suddenly spoke and moved on his heart through the power of the Holy Spirit, to plant a church in the Round Rock area.

After much prayer and fasting, Pastor Jordan stepped out on faith and announced his calling in February 2007.  He then proceeded to search for a location; within two months the Lord found a location and start date of April 8, 2007, Easter Sunday.

There was one problem; Pastor Jordan did not have a congregation.  With such a short period of time for preparation, and one week left before opening the Lord’s church, only one person decided to follow him;  but because Pastor Eric Jordan is a man of faith, he pressed forward.  On April 8th, 2007 the doors of the church opened and nothing short of a miracle happened; without any advertisement or promotions, sixty people showed up.  Hallelujah!  God really does add to the church.

On January 16th, 2022, by God's divine direction, Pastor Cornellus D. Craft was officially installed as the second Pastor in our Church’s history, succeeding Pastor Eric Jordan after 15 years of dedicated service to the Church of God. With the success and steady growth of A Breath of Praise, the church has become a spiritual force in the community in which we serve and steadfast in our efforts of advancing the kingdom of God.


At A Breath of Praise it is our Vision and Mission to become a central hub for making disciples of Christ and planting churches around the world; to preach and teach the Word of God that transforms our character into the character of Christ.

We give all Glory to God for our Founders, Pastor Eric L. Jordan and Lady Faith Jordan; without their vision and selfless sacrifice ABOPCC would not be the great church it is today!

Always remember “We already have the Victory”.


If you would like to learn more about our Church, please phone and schedule time with our Pastor or any member of our Church Leadership Team, we would love to visit with you.


Our Founders

Pastor Eric & Lady Faith Jordan

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Our Mission

To Preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and Teach the Bible that transforms our character into the character of Christ.

Our Vision

To make disciples for Christ, by helping families and people of all nations know their Creator in an intimate way, and to experience the richness of His grace, mercy, and love.

To train disciples to plant churches around the world through the power of the Holy Spirit and the proclamation of the Word of God; reaching every corner of the globe by outreach, love, and faith.

Meet Our Leadership

ABOPCC has been blessed with an awesome team of pastors and elders who serve our church faithfully and work relentless to fulfill the Great Commission.

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Cornellus D. Craft

Lead Pastor/Teacher


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Herb Moffet

Associate Pastor

Community Impact & Outreach; Discipleship & Assimilation 

ABOP Yolanda

Yolanda White


Church Elder

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Candiece Craft

Lead Pastor


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Kennisha Moffet

Pastor of Discipleship & Assimilation


ABOP Kevin

Kevin White, Sr.

Facilities Director

Church Elder

ABOP James

James A. Thompson, Jr.

Senior Staff Pastor

Church Elder

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Alida Dolan

Pastor of Prayer & Intercession

Church Elder

Next Steps...

If you'd like to meet a member of our Leadership Team feel free to contact us via email at admin@abopcc.com to schedule a meeting.