What Does It Mean To Be A Church Family

Looking For A Church Family?

This past year, in 2018, our church family grew by 50%. It was an amazing experience and many lives were changed for the better. This led me to ask our members why they became apart of this church family. here are some of their responses.

When moving to Round Rock I had a hard time finding a church that suited me. When I visited ABOPCC I enjoyed every one, everyone was welcoming. This church allowed me to use my gifts that God has given me. It has also taught me what marriage is all about and how to honor my future husband while going through premarital counseling.

Attending ABOPCC is the equivalent of living with family.  I am able to feel comfortable knowing that God is present in this church and community. Through ABOPCC, I was able to gain a clearer understanding, that I am a part of the body of Christ.  Last but not least, I found my future wife to be, Natalie.  We are forever in God’s grace through ABOPCC because we wouldn’t have met if it weren’t for those circumstances.


Nate and Natalie

We came into 2018 as new members of ABOPCC. My family and I were looking for a church that we could learn and grow in the Lord. Mostly a church where our children could learn and express themselves through God’s gifts. As the year progressed we began to grow Spiritually and develop a Relationship with God again. We began to acquire more responsibilities within the church. Allowing us to express our love for God through our faith and works. Faith, that is something that God has imparted into each member of my family in one way or another. As a family and as a church we have had to step out on Faith quite a few times this year. I must say that God has not failed us yet. Though our faith has been tested this year we would not have been able to get through the test without God and our ABOPCC family.

That’s right! I said Family. The members of ABOPCC are more than people that meet in a building once or twice a week. They are people who show genuine love and care for you. They express God’s love with everything they do, from the time you walk through the door to the mid-week phone call. That type of culture starts with Pastor Eric Jordan. He sets the tone for everything we do. His excitement for God is infectious. The way the word is delivered is inspiring as is his commitment to his members. As we close out 2018, we are glad to see it go. If for no other reason we are expecting 2019 to be a busy and blessed year. We are expecting great growth in our family but also our ABOPCC family.

May God Bless You Always,

Deacon Karlos Jackson

Dr. Eric L. Jordan, Sr. Pastor

I have been blessed this year with many personal events that were only made possible through my initiative to find a church that would provide me with a spiritual change. My very first visit with A Breath of Praise Community Church proved a life changer as I had mix emotions with my personal life. The message that day was on reconciliation. I took this message and changed my faith to Total Faith and Trust in God that resulted in a complete spiritual change that included getting engaged to be married.

My life just prior to this blessing included surgery for a torn rotator cuff and bicep as well as being diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. At my age, these two physical events were devastating to my outlook on life let alone in my relationship to a very beautiful and understanding fiancé. As a result, my life nearly fell apart until the day I went to your church at the advice of Pastor Mike Torres. As a result, the messages through prayer and attending the new member classes has brought me out of my dark outlook on life to where I have found true Love for God and my fiancé.

My shoulder has completely healed and my cancer was treated with Radiation has proven 100% successful. The education in the word and my outlook in God through prayer with Pastor Torres and yourself have saved me from total disaster.

Jim Holmes

What I’m thankful for this year,

My son introduced me to this wonderful place of worship that is filled with love and the Holy Spirit is always present. Its name is A Breath of Praise Church. Although this small, modest church is far from the Grand Cathedrals I’ve attended, it has captured my heart and soul.
I was a member of another church and on a regular basis would leave mass disillusioned. I didn’t feel connected to the priest or parishioners, but most importantly to our heavenly father. I don’t know how else to describe it other than I felt an emptiness in my soul. My personal life was also in disarray.
I feel that the powerful Sunday services at ABOPCC, the kindness, and love from its church members and invaluable bible studies led by pastor Jordan have been instrumental in me being pulled out of a life of sin, uncertainty, and unhappiness. Life has true meaning and value now because I know my worth and know that I am dearly loved by our creator.
Since becoming a member of ABOPCC my relationship with my family is much stronger and I have reconciled with my fiancee and we plan to marry very soon. He is also a new member of ABOPCC and has given his life to Christ.

My eternal thanks and love to my dear son Pastor Michael Torres that lead me to this true church of God, it’s anointed leader, Pastor Jordan and its caring church members.

Grace Todd

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